Fertility Treatment Solutions
Many couples plan to bear children when they are settled but most of them are not lucky to bear children because of few complications. It may result in miscarriages in the woman that further increases the chances of danger to life. For solving this problem, it is advisable to seek the best Gynecologist who can provide suitable solutions. There are many treatments carried out by the doctors, which include IVF, Blastocyst, ICSI and Embryo Transfer
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Stages of Women Fertility
Fertility is a concept that denotes the ability to reproduce healthy offspring. It is applicable to a man, but most often the term is mentioned when speaking of female reproductive capabilities. Indeed, some women with ease give birth to children, others – face a whole complex of problems, even to the impossibility of conception in […]

Simple tips to Improving the quality of sperm
Temperature conditions Consequently, heating of the testicles contributes to the deterioration of the quality of sperm: the quality of sperm decreases and pathological morphological forms appear. In addition, clothing (underwear and pants) should be free, do not squeeze the testicles and do not overheat them. It is recommended to abandon tight-fitting shorts, tight jeans. Avoid stress Stressful […]

Treatment of ARVI in Pregnant Women
What is ARVI? Acute respiratory infections are a common name for a number of infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria and occur with symptoms of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi), and sometimes with damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes. Infection occurs from sick people. The main way of […]

Myths about Egg Freezing
Progress in the field of fertility is assuming a true medical revolution. Specifically, the past few decades have been key in researching and implementing new treatments to help people with fertility problems. Decision of women to be a mother at what age is conditioning the demand for assisted reproduction treatments, women with 40-year-old mostly applying for professional help […]

Methods of diagnosing infertility in Jayadeva Fertility Center
The diagnosis of “infertility” is made if pregnancy in a couple does not occur within 1 year of sexual activity without the use of contraceptives.
If you were diagnosed with infertility, do not despair. Modern medicine has a large arsenal for treating or overcoming this problem. This applies to female infertility and to male infertility.